The newest goose call to the Toxic Stable, the EOD-L. The EOD-L is a blend of the best qualities from all of our Goose Calls of the past, including present models. This call is has simple, smooth rolling transitions, super goosey low-end with an incredible speed capability for fire-fast clucks and spit-notes. When we say that this is the easiest and most versatile Goose Call that we have introduced, we aren’t kidding. From the Veteran Goose Caller to the Novice, this call will impress all realms of callers!
Choose from our Standard Gut System or LIVE-X Gut System. Our Standard Gut System allows you to break in your own set of goose guts. Standard Guts start off with a little higher pitch than our “broke-in” LIVE-X Guts, but overtime you will begin to notice your Standard Guts begin to take shape to your calling style. Our LIVE-X Guts offer you a mocked set of goose guts that have gone through years of routine calling. LIVE-X Guts offer some of the deepest, goosiest sounds you have ever heard. LIVE-X Guts are pushed towards more advanced goose callers, but can be super easy to learn by novice callers.
Mike –
I have two EODs, one turned high pitch the other tuned super deep and goosey.