NBD: Three words is all that are needed to describe this call. NOTHING BUT DUCK. This is a no thrills, no confetti and balloons, not your grandfather’s call. No it is there for one purpose and one alone. To be the deadliest nastiest duck call on the market. It rolls from open water hails to timber clucks like a true mallard hen. Top it all off it has a feeding chuckle that’ll have you pulling rice and sprouts out of your facial hair. Only available as a single reed.
NBD2: The NBD’s twin brother, stacked with an extra reed. We have answered the call for a duck call that serenades the back water. Sitting back in the timber of your honey hole, you don’t always want to reach out and grab the birds by the throat. The NBD2 is the call you want when you’re whispering sweet duckiness in the ears of a flock of wary migrating mallards. Only available as a double reed.
SBQ: The SBQ was designed for the guy who likes to whisper to the birds. All to often ducks are blown out of the hole. Not with the SBQ, a 1/4″ bore makes this short little timber call all that’s needed to coax them Greenheads.